So after some unexpected early labor pains, we decided that we needed to kick our nesting into high gear! Although, there is NO WAY to fully prepare yourself for a new baby there are some ways to bring piece of mind to the truly unprepared. We still have a few thing on our to do list, but Julia's not going to know if her name isn't on the wall when she comes home from the hospital... "Your Baby Can Read" doesn't have curriculum for those still in utero. Here are some pictures from our "nest."
Entering the nursery
To the left, to the left...
Cute switchboards!
A place to wipe little bottoms ;)
Books ready to go!
Some favorites ready to go!
A place to eat and read...
Snuggly Bee Bear :)
She needs to get a little bigger before she'll fit into these!
Ready to run!
Ready to sooth ;)
Rue loves trying out Julia's bows ;)
Looking good!
so fun! we can't wait to meet little julia. well we can wait until valentine's day, but not after that. :)