Thursday, September 8, 2011

Working Woman: from dawn to dusk

It has been exactly 5 months since my last post.  I was too deliriously happy this summer spending time with my baby to sit and focus long enough for coherent thought. 

Since April 8th...
  • I went back to work to finish out the last six weeks of the school year.  We relied heavily on friends and family to pull us through to summer.  Thanks mom, dad, Jill, Cait, Ann, Tony, Casey, Jason, Aunt Vicki, Oma and Opa.  It was so wonderful to leave our baby in such capable hand while we stumbled into summer.  We love you!
  • We vacationed some... The Frio, Port Aransas, Alabama, and Port Aransas again.  Our baby is a great traveler!
  • We soaked up as much time with our Hendersons and Toys, thinking they would both be moving come this Fall... we were pleasantly surprised to not have to part with everyone.  But we miss our Hendersons something fierce!  Don't enjoy the mountains too much, we need you here in Texas!
  • We did a whole lot of NOTHING!  And it was wonderful.
  • I also rediscovered my sewing machine and rekindled my passion for sewing.  It's been great ;)
Then the new school year began...
  • Julia went to day care... wonderful place, she's wonderfully happy, but it's an adjustment.
  • We've been pulled back into routine... welcome exhaustion and an overwhelming feeling of "How am I gonna get everything done?"
  • Our days our sooooo full.  I documented an evening to share, mostly with my young married friends who are thinking about babies...
A day in the life...

5:00 Alarm clock goes off and snooze hit a couple times, think to myself that I really cannot be starting the snooze habit the third week into school.  Hear the baby stir, know this is my last chance for a quick shower before life begins.

5:30 Out of the shower rushing to get ready before the stirring becomes crying.  Tell Evan to stop hitting snooze, it's time to start the day.

6:00 Wake a beautiful baby with a big gummy grin.  Wish Evan woke me up with a sing song voice and a back rub (note to self, ask Evan to wake me up this way and not with a grunt about my alarm going off).  Feed baby.

6:30 Make sure she has spit up at least three times before we get her dressed.  Dress baby.  Wipe fourth spit up off of baby.  Cover it up with a bib, we don't have time to change.  Get bags and car packed up.

6:40 Off to day care.  Roula and Ryan for the adults and a nap for the baby.

7:00 Drop off baby, chat with Ms. Ann, kiss kiss kiss, I love you, good bye!

7:40-5:15 Children arrive at my door and chaos ensues... just kidding ;)  Breakfast, Journal, PE (Pump), Calender, Phonics, Big Book, Songs, Sentence Structure, Five Senses, Cut and Paste, Snack, Stations, Recess, Lunch (Pump), Stations, Math, Folders, Songs, Goodbyes, Pick up extended day, Snack, Play Doh, Movie (Pump), Goodbyes.

5:45 Bring in bags and baby.  Evan begins dinner and I feed the baby.  Unpack from day care, pack up for the next day.

6:30 We eat and Julia plays.  Huge blowout... we get to drop our food to go remove our baby's diaper over a sink... lovely.  It's funny that neither one of us though anything about just getting right back to eating after it was dealt with ;)

6:45 Bath time!

7:00 Pajamas and Book!

7:15 Nurse

7:45 Good Night Sweet Pea :)

8:00-9:00 Get ready for tomorrow, blog for the first time in 5 months.

9:30 Go to bed!

I love working, but this is WORK!  We used to have friends over on the weeknights... not anymore ;(  Our weekends are getting crammed with all of the things we used to be able to accomplish throughout the week.  I'm not complaining... really, I wanted this, but whew!  Shout out to all you mamas out there with a house full of kiddos and a career!  I am just so grateful  for a husband who truly does more than his fair share and for family close by (shout out to Aunt Jill and Uncle Scott for the pediatrician run this week) and for friends who are soooooo understanding. 

We came sprinting out of summer and I miss our leisurely mornings and long afternoons.  Back to breakfast into classroom and ABCs.  Back to puffy eyes and pants with pee.

I'm going to be posting soon about my precious class.  I've got some pretty fun kiddos this year and they are going to be full of stories, I can already feel it!


  1. Just one word "Amen"! I know what you are going through. I am always so exhausted at the end of the day. It is amazing how we manage to find the energy to keep going. The love for our children and husband carries us through!

  2. We miss y'all too! You and the Toys should come visit Casey's family...and by that I mean us. Julia looks so happy!
